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Waking up on those dreary school mornings, is definitely something that I struggle with! I treasure my sleep and dread when it's over. Unfortunately, we all have to wake up at some stage, but it doesn't have to be miserable! Here are my tips for waking up a happier and brighter you.

Keep your blinds open!

Opening your blinds up before you go to bed allows natural light to shine in. This is a calming way to wake up your body and start a new day.

Make your alarm a song you love!

Making your alarm your fave song will not only wake you up, but make you want to dance!

Get your full 8 hours!

Whenever I don't get eight hours sleep, I always feel a lack of energy throughout the day. So be sure to go to bed early if you need to wake up early!

Prepare everything the night before!

Organising your books, uniform and whatever you need the night before, makes it easier to focus on getting yourself ready in the morning!

Get in the shower!

A shower is honestly the best way to start the day. It not only leaves you feeling freaky fresh, but wakes you up in a relaxing way.

Leave your worries on paper:

If you're someone that lies awake worrying in bed at night, you should try having a notebook dedicated to midnight thoughts and worries.

Glass of water!

As an absolute water-holic, I totally recommend drinking a full glass of water before you go to bed and when you wake up!

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