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When recently moving houses, I noticed just how much ‘stuff’ I had… random bits and pieces, old clothes and even school assignments from 3 years ago. That’s when I realised I desperately needed a cleanout.

I generally stuck to the pile method, which was one pile to keep, one pile for rubbish (cannot be used at all) and one pile for charity. This worked well, except as an indecisive person, deciding which pile to put things in was the hardest part.

So, these were the sorts of questions I asked myself in the process:

Have you used or worn it in the past year? Yes/No

Have you worn it more than 3 times? Yes/No

Are you keeping it for sentimental reasons? Yes/No

Put it on, does it fit? Yes/No

Was it expensive? Yes/No

If you answered no to the majority of these questions, it’s time for it to go to charity. If you answered yes to most of these questions, then definitely keep it girl!

If the item is damaged, unwearable or underwear, those are for the rubbish my friend.

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